Shuffleboard Club




The warmer weather has arrived. Open Play events are routinely scheduled for every Monday morning starting at 10:00am and every Friday afternoon starting at 1:30pm. In this way, members can plan their shuffleboard play on an ongoing, routine basis so they will know when the open play days and times are every week without having to check the calendar. We will monitor this approach and prepared to make any adjustments, if deemed appropriate. We encourage you all to participate, have lots of fun and make new friends.

The following, which is generally updated every week, lists the upcoming Shuffleboard open play dates:

***** Important Major Announcements for 2025 *******img

  • The Shuffleboard Club Leadership has unanimously decided that until we a have a permanent Shuffleboard Complex that can accommodate both scheduled tournament play and league play, membership fees will be waived.  It continues to be a disappointment that the logistics of the current shuffleboard court locations put our club at a disadvantage relative to other Sun City active sports clubs.
  • There appears to be a widespread misunderstanding by a number of residents that requires clarification. As most of you already know, the Board has approved a capital expenditure project to construct a permanent Shuffleboard Complex. Club leadership intends to work closely with the Board to reduce the estimated cost, to the extent possible, while ensuring that the standards of quality and safety expected at Sun City are achieved. The cost estimate included in the capital expenditures budget was developed independently by the Facilities Committee without participation in the bidding process by the Shuffleboard Club. Furthermore, an important distinction must be made to ensure that all residents are properly informed about any such expenditures. Any funds expended for this purpose are NEVER taken from the HOA dues that you pay monthly. Therefore, approval of this project for 2025 was not in any way a factor in why the 2025 HOA dues increased. ALL SUCH CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ARE FUNDED FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND, A SEPARATE FUND. This separate fund never receives any monies from the HOA dues. All sources of money are received only from the sales of homes in Sun City. Every time a home is sold, 1/3 of one percent of the sales price is deposited with the Capital Improvement Fund.


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You are now on the Landing Page of the Shuffleboard Club Website. This site has been populated with a wealth of information for anyone interested in Shuffleboard and you are encouraged to become familiar with the content. The website is updated frequently with new information.

Please scroll down to Access the following Website Content Sections on this Landing Page, which include:

  • Our Club Mission Statement
  • Announcements of Club Events and Meetings
  • Benefits of Club Membership
  • Rules of Play
  • How to Join the Club
  • Link to the Fillable Emergency Contact Form
  • Link to the Emergency Contact List
  • Brief History of Shuffleboard
  • How-to-Play Videos
  • Court Procedures and Etiquette
  • Description of the Court Materials
  • List of Club Leaders



The Shuffleboard Courts are open for play by all residents. Please familiarize yourself with all the rules posted on the wall and on the storage cabinets. There are two storage cabinets, one which will be kept locked for Active club member use only. The other storage cabinet has playing equipment for non-members and will remain unlocked. In order to maximize the useful life of this new amenity, please handle the equipment and the courts respectfully.



If you would like to join the club, please click on this link for details on how to become an active club member: 


While every SCCL resident is welcome to play shuffleboard, specific times will be reserved for club member regular play, club member tournament play, club member social events, physically challenged residents and their caregivers and our grandkids. All SCCL residents are encouraged to join and become active in our club.

We intend to keep this website updated with relevant information. Please feel free to let us know if you identify any outdated or incorrect information.

We are proud to report that our club has reached a new milestone with 405 members, making the Shuffleboard Club one of the largest clubs at SCCL. Reminder  - You need to pay your membership fees and submit this [Click on this Link to Download the FILLABLE EMERGENCY CONTACT FORM to become an active member).


Thank you to all of our members for your continuing wonderful support of the Club.


Our Mission Statement

To bring SCCL residents together with a common interest in Shuffleboard, to foster an environment where they can derive satisfaction, fun and socially rewarding interaction in a friendly game without any fierce competitiveness.

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Club Rules of Play

Please contribute to making the experience of playing shuffleboard pleasant and enjoyable for everyone by familiarizing yourself with the Club Rules of Play.  The rules will be posted at the shuffleboard courts and can also be downloaded by clicking on this link:


If you prefer to print in black and white, then you can download the Rules by clicking on this link:


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Court Procedures and Rules of Etiquette

Please contribute to making the experience of playing shuffleboard pleasant and enjoyable for everyone by familiarizing yourself with the Court Procedures and Rules of Etiquette which have been posted at the shuffleboard courts. They can also be downloaded by clicking on this link:


If you prefer to print in black and white, then you can download the Rules by clicking on this link:


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