Billy Joel Tribute Band

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
7:00 pm

Performances & Events

Event Location:
The Lodge



  • Registration opens on Friday, Sept 29th at 10am! 
  • Registration closes on Sunday, Oct 1st at 8pm
  • Tickets will be sold at the Lodge on Monday, October 2nd from 2pm-4pm!
  •   Tickets will be sold in order of registration - the registration list is the signup sheet, so there will not be any sign-in sheet the day of the ticket sale.
  • Tickets are $22 and CHECK ONLY
  •   Make checks out to SCCL CA
  • Purchase up to 10 tickets per person!
  • Guests allowed - maximum of 4 guests per household. (Guests are any OUTSIDE individual that does not live in SCCL)