Resident Author's Exhibit

Event Date:

Event Time:
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Performances & Events


No reservations required. 

 We welcome the work of ALL resident authors!

 To exhibit, please send an email to [email protected] noting how many works that you would like to exhibit- up to a maximum of TWO per person. 

For every work you exhibit, you will need to provide a LAMINATED 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" (1/2 of a regular size piece of paper) with a logline about your piece. 

 A log line or logline is a brief (usually one-sentence) summary of a television program, film, or book that states the central conflict of the story, often providing both a synopsis of the story's plot, and an emotional "hook" to stimulate interest.

You may also include information on how to purchase your work if it is for sale. All works and laminated sheets must be dropped off on the day of the event at the front desk of the Lake House anytime between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. All works may be retrieved at the conclusion of the event or the next day at the front desk.

We have so much talent here at SCCL!

 On this evening, let's celebrate SCCL's talented scribes!