C&TC One-on-One Help Lodge Room 1 1-2:30pm - Registration Required

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Event Location:
Lodge Rm 1

Advance registration Closes noon Sunday Oct 22nd.

Walk-ins if time permits.


One-one Help, depending on:

  • Helper availability
  • Number of residents who pre-register.

You must register for our One-on-One Help sessions.  Please let us know the type of equipment your problem is with and the specific problem you are having.  Bring your device - laptop, tablet, phone - to the meeting.

If you are unable to register, another resident can register for you, or you can contact [email protected]

Make sure you tell them your devices & problem(s), so they can enter the info, and we can have Helpers available.

Registration closes at NOON on October 22.

If you miss the registration deadline, you can be a walk-in to the meeting.  We will help you as time permits.