Play Ready Golf
Play Ready Golf
Be prepared TO PLAY WHEN IT IS YOUR TURN. Be on the tee before your starting time. Select your club. Line up your shot or study your putt. When it is your turn, address the ball and hit it.
Forget honors. First woman off the green and on the tee should hit. Play when ready in the fairway so long as you don't interfere with other players.
Shorter hitters play first as soon as the group ahead is out of range.
Concentrate and plan ahead. Be thinking about your next shot, aboutwhere to park your golf cart, or what club to use.
Putt when ready. Don't wait for the outside player if she is not ready.
Walk briskly!
Lost ball...look no more than two minutes.
Carry a spare ball.
Take no mulligan's or practice shots.
Don't stop with playing partners when they hit...go to your own ball if it is safely out of the way.
Don't walk beyond your ball more than a few paces.
If you land in a bunker and have made two (2) unsuccessful attempts to get out, pick up your ball, take a penalty stroke and place the ball on the fairway but no closer to the pin (this will be two strokes plus one to carry the ball to the fairway). You will then be shooting four.
If you have not reached the green in 9 strokes, pick up your ball and mark a 9 for that hole and X for putts.
Be realistic when waiting to hit to a green or off the tee. Usually the waiters can't get there with a cannon.
If the group behind you is pressing you and there is a hole open in front, you are playing too slow. Speed up!
Learn how far you can hit the ball.
Mark your scores at the next tee.